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2v2 Arena 3.3.5 Spriest and Ret Pally (Again)

Просмотры: 0 Добавил: Polar Polar 
Описание материала:

Kaxe and me again for some more arena... had some noob moments in some of these fights especially with trying to repent a pally with his bubble still up or switching away from a pally thinking they popped their bubble when it was just the sacred shield proc... oh and the hand of protection thing... let's just hope i don't do that again or kaxe's reaction will be the exact same of that as the "implied facepalm" pic of tommy lee jones taken from the movie "No Country for Old Men"... if you don't know what I'm talking about then just search under google images for "implied facepalm tommy lee jones" :P

Язык: Русский
Длительность материала: 00:06:42
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